Hollister Co. Auburn MA
385 Southbridge St #1735

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Hollister Co. Auburn MA

Hollister Co. Auburn MA in 385 Southbridge St #1735 in Auburn MA is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 508 832 4692

385 Southbridge St #1735 Auburn MA MA, USA
Hollister Co. Auburn MA. Catalog, prices, map. Our staff of experts are trained to ensure the shoes you purchase from us will accommodate your lifestyle, activities, and unique sizing demands. We prides itself in a large selection of womens and mens footwear and providing professional customer service and fitting. We provide excellent customer service that is here to help you find the shoe you need no matter what your goal is. Our attentive, knowledgeable team is dedicated to ensuring the correct fit offering a wide inventory of sizes and widths. Through our fit process, our staff work with you to find the shoes that offer the best in fit, support and comfort, giving you a solid foundation for a healthy and successful life. We provide an array of footwear including sneakers, boots, fashion shoes, and a strong mix of comfort to give our customers the quality they deserve at prices they can afford. Also check out the accessories, handbags and sun-glasses which promise to add more glamor to your look. We are committed to providing top-notch customer service and offering a variety of products for men, women and kids. Come and check us out. I am sure we will end up being one of your favorite little shops If you have been suffering from feet pain or have got injured recently and are looking for a pair of shoes that will provide warmth to your feet, try us. With an impressive selection of designer shoes, bags and accessories, you can find the perfect accent to any outfit.
Street Address
385 Southbridge St #1735
508 832 4692
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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