Famous Footwear Auburn MA

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Famous Footwear Auburn MA

Famous Footwear Auburn MA in AUBURN Mall in Auburn MA is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 508 832 2653

Famous Footwear Auburn MA. Catalog, prices, map. Our store is an upscale boutique specializing in designer shoes, clothing, accessories and cosmetics. Shopping here even during the peak hours is a breeze, as the friendly and efficient staff go out of their way to help you choose the best pair of shoes. We help to create looks that fits your personality and speaks fashion. At uniqx fashion our selected styles will not only make you feel unique they will also make you look unique. Many do not consider the damage they do to their feet when they run or walk without the proper footwear. Our goal is to find and offer footwear that is stylish and comfortable. Shoes that are made well can cushion the foot and handle the constant pounding we all experience when we walk on cement, tile, or hardwood floors, as well as thinly carpeted surfaces. Our shoes are built for growing feet and combine proper fitting with fashionable styling. We want to make sure that you have best shoe buying experience possible! Contact us today for more information. We can offer the best ways to correct all foot problems and to ensure a perfect fit for your shoes!
Street Address
508 832 2653
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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