Sears Shoes Norman OK
3201 W Main St
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Sears Shoes Norman OK

Sears Shoes Norman OK in 3201 W Main St in Norman OK is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 405 366 0815

3201 W Main St Norman OK OK, USA
Sears Shoes Norman OK. Catalog, prices, map. It means being able to evaluate our customers foot and find the best solution for them. We are dedicated to helping every customer with their specific needs. At Foot Paths we strive to always have a wide inventory, that is constantly updated with the latest brands. We will analyze your gait, examine your arches, foot shape and measure both your feet to ensure you are in properly fitting shoes. Our experienced professional staff will make sure you get a perfect fit every time. Serving the community with unique styles for men, women, and boys. Designer brands are fitted with special orthotic devices and custom-fitted for your feet. Continuing our passion in the form of wearable trend, we started this brand for the display of our knowledge and affection for fashionable feet. The result is great looking shoes that will allow your feet to breathe and make you feel better. Who knows ... you might get in the mood or at least have your spirits lifted. We specialize in athletic footwear, apparel, and accessories, all of which our staff is trained to tailor to your specific needs. We believe everyone needs beautiful things in their life and understands the transformative power of a great shoe.
Street Address
3201 W Main St
405 366 0815
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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