Rue 21 Nampa ID
16526 N Marketplace Blvd
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Rue 21 Nampa ID

Rue 21 Nampa ID in 16526 N Marketplace Blvd in Nampa ID is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 208 461 7743

16526 N Marketplace Blvd Nampa ID ID, USA
Rue 21 Nampa ID. Catalog, prices, map. We know that every person and every foot is different. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will get your best fit for your job. It is also the place to come for anyone with foot issues, our fit experts welcome the challenge to make you comfortable in your shoes. The store caters to diverse genres of physical activities such as hiking, biking, climbing, cross country and sports such as lacrosse, basketball, football and much more! You can choose from the already available line of shoes and bags or create your very own. Its store carries a large selection of mens, womens and kids athletic casual shoes, along with an assortment of apparel as well as accessories. We have athletic shoes, sporting apparel, and accessories for men, women, and children. We have an exceptional inventory of shoes and boots that ranges from casual footwear to fine handmade boots. We want to make sure that you have best shoe buying experience possible! Customers feet are measured to make sure they are fitted in the correct size. We offer Size, Selection, Style, and Service. We look forward to many more years of service to you with quality merchandise at fair prices.
Street Address
16526 N Marketplace Blvd
208 461 7743
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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