Michigan Industrial Shoe Redford MI
25477 W 8 Mile Rd
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Michigan Industrial Shoe Redford MI

Michigan Industrial Shoe Redford MI in 25477 W 8 Mile Rd in Redford MI is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 313 532 0902

25477 W 8 Mile Rd Redford MI MI, USA
Michigan Industrial Shoe Redford MI. Catalog, prices, map. Then, once we know all that, we will recommend solutions from our wide selection of shoes, arch supports and accessories that are customized for your feet and your concerns. With a reputation for a friendly staff and exceptional service, this boutique makes each shopping experience an absolute delight. Our care toward the patient is treating you like we would treat one of our family. We look forward to helping you get back to health. Our MISSION is to assist you in finding the top quality, best fit and most comfortable footwear for our customers. The well stocked shop caters to adults and children alike and has leading international brands like Adidas, Nike, New Balance, Converse, and Skechers. From simply walking around to working on your marathon we are here to put your feet in the right shoe. If your feet hurt, we will find out why. And if you are simply looking for more energy and better comfort we will learn what you need to make that happen. Men are no more just accustomed to wearing pants and shirts. There a lot more to a mans wardrobe. The sales team is good at their job; so be sure to leave the place with a lot of shoes and lot less money in your wallet. We are experts at fitting shoes, everything from non-slip work shoes to the newest minimal running shoes to the most traditional walking shoes, casual shoes, assault boots and everything in between. We can also help kids feet feel better and be better supported.
Street Address
25477 W 8 Mile Rd
313 532 0902
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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