Michele's Closet Greeley CO
916 9th Ave
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Michele's Closet Greeley CO

Michele's Closet Greeley CO in 916 9th Ave in Greeley CO is a Women's Shoes

Phone: 970 352 4252

916 9th Ave Greeley CO CO, USA
Michele's Closet Greeley CO. Catalog, prices, map. They can devote the time to give you personal attention and find out what is best for you, even if you have problems with your feet. The company takes pride in its ability to our customers high quality footwear. The store caters to diverse genres of physical activities such as hiking, biking, climbing, cross country and sports such as lacrosse, basketball, football and much more! A sculptor turned orthopedic shoemaker and modern shoe technology to create cutting edge orthopedic shoes that are stylish without compromising comfort and function. We carry an incredibly diverse variety of footwear for men, women, and especially children, and our quality shoes, boots, sandals, and sneakers are the perfect marriage between fashion and performance. We that provides modern fashion, shoes and accessories for the entire family, as well as top-name cosmetics, a wedding registry and merchandise for the home. We can also help you in choosing the right socks, apparel and accessories. With a broad selection womens, mens and childrens shoes, boots, slippers and athletic shoes. The ever-friendly staff puts you at ease and helps you without being overly obtrusive. I absolutely love my community and my customers as well as the opportunity to be creative. Our goal is to provide you with footwear that will get you walking comfortably again as well as offering a wide range of mens and womens styles for various occasions.
Street Address
916 9th Ave
970 352 4252
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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