Michael Toschi International San Carlos CA
1144 Holly St

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Michael Toschi International San Carlos CA

Michael Toschi International San Carlos CA in 1144 Holly St in San Carlos CA is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 650 508 4420

1144 Holly St San Carlos CA CA, USA
Michael Toschi International San Carlos CA. Catalog, prices, map. We always keep up with the fashion trend and refresh our inventories to bring in the fashion to our customers with competitive prices. The shoe shop stocks timeless favorites as well as trendy footwear so you never run out of options here. A friendly staff is helpful in making selections if you are having trouble yourself. If you are a heavy walker and need something casual yet orthopedic, if you spend all day on your feet or are just looking for something stylish and comfortable, then this is the place. A good fit is critical, ill fitting shoes are the most common cause of foot pathologies and foot pain. This store sells all sorts of essentials that come handy for running. We are always happy to provide you with assistance in selecting shoes or accessories for your child, whether you come to the store or contact us from afar. Sales throughout the year ensure you will find exclusive brands for a bargain. Find the latest styles and great quality among the thousands of pairs available for men and women. Come in to be professionally fit by experts for comfort, orthopedic foot wear. You can call the store for more information.
Street Address
1144 Holly St
650 508 4420
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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