Justice San Mateo CA
60 31st Ave
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Justice San Mateo CA

Justice San Mateo CA in 60 31st Ave in San Mateo CA is a Children's Shoes

Phone: 650 356 0173

60 31st Ave San Mateo CA CA, USA
Justice San Mateo CA. Catalog, prices, map. Our team makes shoe shopping an efficient and easy part of your day. Our business has been built on repeat visits and referrals. Whichever kind of shoe you buy, you can be sure your childs feet will be classy and comfortable in these stylish shoes. We do not discriminate based on physical capabilities and we take extra steps to ensure that each customer leaves feeling as though they are walking on air. We love slippers. We love them so much we dream about them. We dream about a lifestyle where slippers are the most worn footwear in your closet. Come check out our shoes and boots for everyday, work, special occasions, or to match that perfect outfit. This means the shoe is manufactured with high quality materials and the latest footwear technology. I strive to provide a welcoming and relaxing environment that is open to all kinds of styles. Being correctly fit for the right shoe is a process, and our customers find it fun and enjoyable. Experts measure the dimensions of the customers feet, analyze their walking styles and unique biomechanics, and understand their lifestyles before recommending suitable shoes. Nows the time to treat your feet the way they deserve.
Street Address
60 31st Ave
650 356 0173
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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