Johnson's Enterprises Chico CA
Johnson's Enterprises Chico CA in 3006 Esplanade Ste H in Chico CA is a Shoe Stores
Phone: 541 538 2139
3006 Esplanade Ste H
Chico CA
Johnson's Enterprises Chico CA. Catalog, prices, map. Always on the lookout for the latest trends, we strive to bring the utmost style and class to our city Chain retailer offering trendy, brand-name clothing &, shoes, plus gear for skate- &, snowboarders. They can devote the time to give you personal attention and find out what is best for you, even if you have problems with your feet. We are committed to giving you the best specialty running shoe fitting and accessory shopping experience possible. We want everyone that comes in to be a part of our continual process, our refreshing, every changing selection of styles in shoes, clothing and accessories. From simply walking around to working on your marathon we are here to put your feet in the right shoe. Kids need new shoes? Perfect, we have a large selection of Nike youth shoes sizes 3 children to 7 youth. Apart from trendy and durable footwear, find accessories like funky sunglasses and watches. Stop in today or contact us for more information! Irrespective of the event you are planning to attend, you can be sure to find the perfect shoe to match your outfit. We have been dedicated to providing our customers with unparalleled style, quality and value.
Street Address
3006 Esplanade Ste H
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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