Stride Rite Portland OR
9561 SW Washington Square Rd
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Stride Rite Portland OR

Stride Rite Portland OR in 9561 SW Washington Square Rd in Portland OR is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 503 639 3399

9561 SW Washington Square Rd Portland OR OR, USA
Stride Rite Portland OR. Catalog, prices, map. Our process begins by ensuring that runners and walkers of all abilities and ages are fit with the proper footwear, sports bras and technical apparel to meet their individual needs. Our staff will measure your childs foot and arch length as well as their width, ensuring that they get the proper fit. We take great pride in training our staff to be the experts you seek for your foot comfort needs Our dedicated staff will assess your running or walking style and recommend an appropriate shoe. Find the latest footwear styles from Nike, including quickstrikes, Jordan, Converse, Ugg Boots, Adidas, Polo, and Timberland. Contemporary & Pawn Jewelry, Boots, Bakelite Galore, Antiques, Affordable Clothing And Merchandise For Everyone And A Complete Baby Store, Accessories Here you will find an impressive plethora of shoes for men, women and children, for formal wear, casual wear as well dressy occasions. Casual clothing and sportswear for men, women and teens, womens fashions and accessories. You can pick from many of our house designs or order a custom made pair to your specifications and vision. Luck comes to those who grab it. We believe it is up to you. The store also stocks some amazing gear that hiking or adventure sport addicts are sure to enjoy.
Street Address
9561 SW Washington Square Rd
503 639 3399
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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