Rue21 Cincinnati OH
6180 Glenway Ave, Ste A
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Rue21 Cincinnati OH

Rue21 Cincinnati OH in 6180 Glenway Ave, Ste A in Cincinnati OH is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 513 389 1956

6180 Glenway Ave, Ste A Cincinnati OH OH, USA
Rue21 Cincinnati OH. Catalog, prices, map. rue21 is one of the largest fast-fashion retailers in the nation. We make the latest trends affordable and available to anyone, anywhere. Shop fun, fresh new trends and must-have styles that don't exist anywhere else.We will provide you with a pronation correcting running shoe and advice for training as well. With service that is genuinely warm and knowledgeable, reasonable prices and a unique collection The company takes pride in its ability to our customers high quality footwear. We will work with you with adjusting the shoes order anything you may need and always try to have you learn a little about what kind of products you should watch out for and what would be good for your needs. From simply walking around to working on your marathon we are here to put your feet in the right shoe. Our fitting process takes footwear selection to the next level by assessing your feet, properly measuring them, performing gait analysis and discussing your fitness goals. Our staff of experienced stylists are able to create head-to-toe outfits for any customer. The store has an exclusive range for the younger girls and shoes for the working women. We want you to come back time and time again. We see you as a friend and a repeat customer. Being correctly fit for the right shoe is a process, and our customers find it fun and enjoyable. Please come visit us at our new location.
Street Address
6180 Glenway Ave, Ste A
513 389 1956
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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