Legend Footwear Walnut CA
19445 E Walnut Dr N
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Legend Footwear Walnut CA

Legend Footwear Walnut CA in 19445 E Walnut Dr N in Walnut CA is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 909 598 6703

19445 E Walnut Dr N Walnut CA CA, USA
Legend Footwear Walnut CA. Catalog, prices, map. The staff gives customers enough breathing space to make their own choices, and assists when necessary. We are committed to serving you with the highest quality you have grown to expect from us year after year! With the combination of dedication, management and the right product lines, we are now poised as a major retailer in the shoe and apparel industries. The store caters to diverse genres of physical activities such as hiking, biking, climbing, cross country and sports such as lacrosse, basketball, football and much more! Chic clothes and accessories are also on offer. Select from scarves, eyegear, watches, bags, perfumes and more. All the latest shoes, apparel and accessories for running and walking. From simply walking around to working on your marathon we are here to put your feet in the right shoe. If your feet hurt, we will find out why. And if you are simply looking for more energy and better comfort we will learn what you need to make that happen. The mens selection is almost as wide as the womens, but this is really a shop for people who appreciate elegant, understated, even feminine, footwear. So we work hard, and utilize some pretty cool technology, to make sure you leave with shoes you love. Contact us today for more information!
Street Address
19445 E Walnut Dr N
909 598 6703
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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