Lee's Shoe Repair Wilmington DE
1709 Marsh Rd
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Lee's Shoe Repair Wilmington DE

Lee's Shoe Repair Wilmington DE in 1709 Marsh Rd in Wilmington DE is a Shoe Repair

Phone: 302 478 1003

1709 Marsh Rd Wilmington DE DE, USA
Lee's Shoe Repair Wilmington DE. Catalog, prices, map. We want to make sure you get the right shoes the very first time. They can devote the time to give you personal attention and find out what is best for you, even if you have problems with your feet. Above all, we understand that all who run, walk, participate in sports or maintain an exercise regimen are winners who share our values and contribute to our lives and our communities. The store is home to a variety of brands and the quality of their products is what makes them one of the best in the city. Be it womens and mens casual shoes or outdoor boots, quality is consistent. Sales throughout the year ensure you will find exclusive brands for a bargain. Our long line of footwear products have a unified goal: to provide natural comfort by relieving the pain caused by foot conditions and disorders. We look forward to providing you with the latest styles in footwear and accessories. Our goal is to provide you with footwear that will get you walking comfortably again as well as offering a wide range of mens and womens styles for various occasions. Through our fit process, our staff work with you to find the shoes that offer the best in fit, support and comfort, giving you a solid foundation for a healthy and successful life. Our entire staff, embraces the lifestyle we promote and ensures that every aspect of your fitness routine is properly addressed.
Street Address
1709 Marsh Rd
302 478 1003
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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