KB Footwear East Providence RI
85 Taunton Ave
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KB Footwear East Providence RI

KB Footwear East Providence RI in 85 Taunton Ave in East Providence RI is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 401 434 0610

85 Taunton Ave East Providence RI RI, USA
KB Footwear East Providence RI. Catalog, prices, map. We will provide you with a pronation correcting running shoe and advice for training as well. We pride ourselves on delivering a truly satisfying shopping experience for whoever steps inside our boutique or visits our online storefront. Our store is a destination for runners and walkers at all levels of fitness to find expertise, advice, outfitting and encouragement. We will give a free foot analysis and discuss your problem, then offer you several options to fit your need and lifestyle. The place also sells clothing and accessories. Doctors and researchers agree that people can experience discomfort in their feet, legs, hips and back due to foot problems. We keep with the comfort concept because we know how important foot health is, especially to people constantly on the move and on their feet all day. This is your chance to express what you feel, show that you can take risks in fashion and be the diva that sets trends! Call us today for more information. Through our fit process, our staff work with you to find the shoes that offer the best in fit, support and comfort, giving you a solid foundation for a healthy and successful life. Take a look! Give us a call today or stop by! Feel free to visit our website, located at the top of this profile, for more details.
Street Address
85 Taunton Ave
401 434 0610
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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