Justice Cincinnati OH
4601 Eastgate Blvd, #240
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Justice Cincinnati OH

Justice Cincinnati OH in 4601 Eastgate Blvd, #240 in Cincinnati OH is a Children's Shoes

Phone: 513 752 3224

4601 Eastgate Blvd, #240 Cincinnati OH OH, USA
Justice Cincinnati OH. Catalog, prices, map. For the latest information, and to receive special offers, sign up to receive our occasional email newsletters. Our goal is to be the leading specialty running and walking store by providing technical expertise, quality service and a positive atmosphere. We have done the shopping for you and carefully selected each shoe based on our belief that it will promote healthy foot development. We have a fantastic staff of friendly, knowledgeable, and skilled fit professionals that will take the time to assist you with whatever footwear needs you may have. Our shoes and booties are made using the finest materials by shoe makers with generations of experience. We carry a full line of training and racing shoes, spikes and flats from brands like adidas, Asics, Brooks, Mizuno, Nike, and Saucony, as well as a wide array of apparel for all seasons and tastes. We have the latest styles in shoes, dresses, handbags, mens shoes and clothing as well as our collection of accessories. The store offers a range of styles including boots, sandals, formal wear, platforms, pumps and many more. We build a custom support system for your foot. We invite you to come in and experience the personalized shopping environment and product quality you have been looking for. Whether you are a long time runner or if you are just starting, if you are looking for a professional, experienced, knowledgeable staff to get the finest, expert fitting for a running shoe and more, then visit us.
Street Address
4601 Eastgate Blvd, #240
513 752 3224
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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