Goody's Bartlesville OK
2350 SE Washington Blvd #412

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Goody's Bartlesville OK

Goody's Bartlesville OK in 2350 SE Washington Blvd #412 in Bartlesville OK is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 918 331 0596

2350 SE Washington Blvd #412 Bartlesville OK OK, USA
Goody's Bartlesville OK. Catalog, prices, map. Hello and welcome to the family of stores. People want good quality products and good quality service. We can also help you in choosing the right socks, apparel and accessories. Besides, the comfort that they assure will make you forget you have them on in the first place. A huge selection shoes, apparel, and accessories in an unmatched variety of sizes and widths. If you want to own the kind of footwear and accessories you have only before admired in magazines, this boutique is perfect for you. The merchandise is versatile with new additions added everyday, depending on the trends of the season. To be sure, running and walking shoes are, by design, technical pieces of equipment intended to deliver benefits tailored to the end-user. We provide an extensive product offering across ladies, mens and accessories. Whether you need a running shoe or a dress shoe, shoes for your children or yourself, the dedicated staff at our store is committed to serving your footwear and foot care needs. The shoe selection also allows women the opportunity to invest in personal style versus passing trends.
Street Address
2350 SE Washington Blvd #412
918 331 0596
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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