Carter's Topeka KS
2160 SW Wanamaker Rd
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Carter's Topeka KS

Carter's Topeka KS in 2160 SW Wanamaker Rd in Topeka KS is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 785 271 0198

2160 SW Wanamaker Rd Topeka KS KS, USA
Carter's Topeka KS. Catalog, prices, map. Shop kids clothing essentials at Carter's in West Ridge Plaza, Topeka, KS, for the best baby, kids & toddler clothing. Shop our selection of cute baby clothes & kids apparel.As a retail business owner, my purpose is to provide excellent customer service. This enables us to provide our customers with first hand knowledge of the products that best fit your needs. We take great pride in our exceptional customer services and customer satisfaction, guaranteed. The staff at our boot store are well trained and well versed in the merchandise that we provide. As a locally operated company, we provide lifelong, quality service. Our shoes are built for growing feet and combine proper fitting with fashionable styling. Dozens of quality brands for men, women, and children are available, including Mephisto, New Balance, Clarks, Klogs and Birkenstock. We are dedicated to the balancing and comfort of your feet, legs, and hips. High-end, ultra-modern, sophisticated and brilliant are some of the words that can be used to describe their collection, but not quite. So next time you find yourself at the mall stop by our clothing boutique and browse our western chic items! Who knows ... you might get in the mood or at least have your spirits lifted. So come see us, and let us fit you.
Street Address
2160 SW Wanamaker Rd
785 271 0198
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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