Famous Footwear Minneapolis MN
12940 Riverdale Dr NW
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Famous Footwear Minneapolis MN

Famous Footwear Minneapolis MN in 12940 Riverdale Dr NW in Minneapolis MN is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 763 427 1510

12940 Riverdale Dr NW Minneapolis MN MN, USA
Famous Footwear Minneapolis MN. Catalog, prices, map. We are committed to giving you the best specialty running shoe fitting and accessory shopping experience possible. Our professional and knowledgeable staff welcomes you into our store. We are committed to bringing you a new and pleasant shopping experience and we want to grow as a company along with the wardrobe in your closet. In addition to our meticulous shoe fittings, the number one product we offer is education. Our staff members are professional, courteous and efficient, ensuring that you are 100% satisfied. From offering hundreds of different styles, colors, textures and sizes, we promise to give you a sensational shopping experience Apart from footwear, the store also has a variety of accessories, backpacks, and funky socks. With brand names such as Nike, Asics, Brooks, Adidas, New Balance, Mizuno and more! They offer everything a runner needs: shoes and socks, athletic apparel, water bottles and more. If you have been suffering from feet pain or have got injured recently and are looking for a pair of shoes that will provide warmth to your feet, try us. Come in today for free gait analysis or expert advice for all of your walking and running needs.
Street Address
12940 Riverdale Dr NW
763 427 1510
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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