Fab Findz Santa Rosa CA
109 4th St
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Fab Findz Santa Rosa CA

Fab Findz Santa Rosa CA in 109 4th St in Santa Rosa CA is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 707 526 4231

109 4th St Santa Rosa CA CA, USA
Fab Findz Santa Rosa CA. Catalog, prices, map. We know that fashion is really a good feeling. Our store is a unique, service-oriented store where you will find everything for your running & walking needs! By providing our customers with a personal customized fit, we hope to improve their quality of life. Add incredible customer service and you have the perfect place for new shoes for both men and woman. Every design is unique - a fine blend of elegance and style; add to that equation comfortable heels and you have got happy feet! Our fitting process takes footwear selection to the next level by assessing your feet, properly measuring them, performing gait analysis and discussing your fitness goals. Top brands line the shelves of these outlets - this includes Converse, Adidas, Puma and Nike, to name a few. We offer a wide variety of accessories including jewelry, belts and handbags. Its collection includes shoes, sandals, eye wear, belts, bags, socks, purses, wraps, scarves, hosiery etc. We carry a wide selection of shoes for men and women, including comfort, outdoor, dress, occupational, accessories and more. You can be assured of good quality and service from this shop.
Street Address
109 4th St
707 526 4231
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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