Elliott's Boots Knoxville TN
3903 Western Ave
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Elliott's Boots Knoxville TN

Elliott's Boots Knoxville TN in 3903 Western Ave in Knoxville TN is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 865 523 7463

3903 Western Ave Knoxville TN TN, USA
Elliott's Boots Knoxville TN. Catalog, prices, map. Our goal is to be the leading specialty running and walking store by providing technical expertise, quality service and a positive atmosphere. The attractively laid out store has trendy shoes and accessories, perfect for the running enthusiast in you. Our Goal is to guide every customer in making the best buying decisions. Now that we are here to provide the area and the surrounding areas with the right products that people have to travel so far for, we are bringing the convenience back to the area. We can even special order accessories such as purses and wallets for your convenience. We want you to complete your attire with a cherry on top, or on the bottom in this case! Apart from trendy and durable footwear, find accessories like funky sunglasses and watches. Driven by the pursuit of perfection and inspired by a healthy, energetic and active lifestyle, we take pride in our innovation and in using the finest materials to craft our footwear. Whether you are a casual sportsman or a serious athlete, our knowledgeable staff will help you find just the item you are looking for. If you are looking for a pair of heels that will help you make a bold statement, it is here where you will find it! If you are an enthusiastic walker or runner, this is the ideal store to get your footwear from!
Street Address
3903 Western Ave
865 523 7463
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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