Eagle Shoes Inglewood CA
139 S Market St

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Eagle Shoes Inglewood CA

Eagle Shoes Inglewood CA in 139 S Market St in Inglewood CA is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 310 671 0786

139 S Market St Inglewood CA CA, USA
Eagle Shoes Inglewood CA. Catalog, prices, map. The staff at our boot store are well trained and well versed in the merchandise that we provide. Our associates around the world bring these goals to life with their high-level skills and creativity. We have worked hard to build a reputation for being number one in customer care. Although prices in this womens shoe store are fairly low, the merchandise does not reflect it. We also have a large inventory of sandals so you could walk out with a pair the same day. Our goal is to help you stay active, comfortable and injury free. Browse our large selection of sizes and widths, orthopedic and corrective shoes including: Walking shoes, Dress shoes Pumps, Casino shoes, Work boots, Sandals Childrens, Comfort shoes We are more than just a shoe store. The store has an exclusive range for the younger girls and shoes for the working women. Being correctly fit for the right shoe is a process, and our customers find it fun and enjoyable. The fascinating collection and the friendly and helpful service will truly make you feel like Cinderella. Customer satisfaction is our main goal. We offer our customers a friendly atmosphere when they shop.
Street Address
139 S Market St
310 671 0786
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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