Dorothy Williams Providence RI
200 Wayland Ave
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Dorothy Williams Providence RI

Dorothy Williams Providence RI in 200 Wayland Ave in Providence RI is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 401 421 3625

200 Wayland Ave Providence RI RI, USA
Dorothy Williams Providence RI. Catalog, prices, map. We offer a personalized fitting experience to help you select the right shoe for you - whether to stand at work, head to the gym, or run your first race. The interior is clean and bright and the staff is very friendly. We have a passion for fitting your fit with quality shoes that support your feet and can help your overall balance and health. As a 3rd generation member of my family in the shoe business, I take pride in striving for excellence in customer service, attention to detail and quality in all of our work. We carry all best name brands: dickies, levis, nike, vans, converse, puma, addidas, reebok, dc, globe, caterpillar, work zone, k-swiss, fila, LRG, wink, proclub, shaka etc... We can offer you a variety of footwear types including, sandals, work shoes, athletic shoes, running shoes, and specialty shoes. Our vast selection includes running, walking, lifestyle and orthopedic shoes including larger sizes and wide widths. Brands such as Nike, Puma, Adidas, Asics and Jordan can be found here. Also, the prices are pretty affordable. We welcome runners and walkers of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities - whether you are just beginning or are a seasoned veteran of multiple races! We are committed to serving you with the highest quality you have grown to expect from us year after year! Our people brings a joyful demeanor to the store, always looking for ways to make his customers smile.
Street Address
200 Wayland Ave
401 421 3625
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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