Cato Sioux Falls SD
5623 E Arrowhead Pkwy
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Cato Sioux Falls SD

Cato Sioux Falls SD in 5623 E Arrowhead Pkwy in Sioux Falls SD is a Shoe Stores

Phone: 605 331 5016

5623 E Arrowhead Pkwy Sioux Falls SD SD, USA
Cato Sioux Falls SD. Catalog, prices, map. The company takes pride in its ability to our customers high quality footwear. Being correctly fit for the right shoe is a process, and our customers find it fun and enjoyable. What we offer in the way of customer service is unique and customers know our staff is committed to the perfect fit. We have a look - our mix - but we work hard to incorporate the clients vision, with stylish livability always the main focus. No womans wardrobe is complete without shoes to match each outfit, and nothing seems to make a woman happier than a shoe sale. Besides elegant sneakers, glittery ballerinas, spiky stilettos, leather boots and sandals, this shop also sells a range of luxury accessories like bags, wallets, belts, jackets and leggings. They also have a lovely collection of accessories which includes belts, scarves, sunglasses, hats, gloves, rings, bags, satchels, totes and handbags. Driven by the pursuit of perfection and inspired by a healthy, energetic and active lifestyle, we take pride in our innovation and in using the finest materials to craft our footwear. We love pairing up customers with just the right outfit for any occasion. Our main priority is to provide the best possible customer service ever to our clients. In addition, we have made a substantial commitment to serve our local athletic community.
Street Address
5623 E Arrowhead Pkwy
605 331 5016
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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