Athlete's Foot Avon IN
Athlete's Foot Avon IN in 9269 E US Highway 36 in Avon IN is a Shoe Stores
Phone: 317 209 8786
9269 E US Highway 36
Avon IN
Athlete's Foot Avon IN. Catalog, prices, map. Hello and welcome to the family of stores. The sales team is good at their job; so be sure to leave the place with a lot of shoes and lot less money in your wallet. We hope to become more than just a store where you shop. We want to be a place in your community you visit often because you feel comfortable here. Locally owned and operated with the best customer service and product knowledge around. Our selection features pieces that are western chic with a glitzy flare to revive your wardrobe and turn heads! Leather accessories such as wallets and belts are also a part of their merchandise. We specialize in offering customers solutions to have them on their feet without pain. We have a wide selection of comfort shoes and sandals including athletic, dress casual and work. Our specialty is dying shoes for weddings and other special occasions. You will not be disappointed and your feet will thank you. Come by and see all that we have to offer. We look forward to meeting you. Additionally, the staff is always friendly and more than happy to answer all your questions.
Street Address
9269 E US Highway 36
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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